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Thursday, June 30, 2011


Today 7/1/2011 , go to school take my result ..
when i step to the class ,
i saw something i dun like to see..
that my result ><
i tought teacher will say my bad thing infront of my dad ,
but i love my teacher so much ,
she din say anything thing ,
she just say i very talketive in class , that all ..!
OMG now i only noe teacher was Fucking Good ,
I Love her so much xD <3
But my result is BAD !!
5E , 2D , 2C -.-
but i din scold by my dad ..
he just at there say bull shit ><
then he din scold oso , 
just ask me to KEEP IT UP ..
when i hear this ,
I was so Suprise ..
I Love You Daddy !!
♥ xD

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